ARC August TBR // let’s tackle those ARCs we’ve been avoiding!!

Oh looooook, I found a super cool challenge to participate in next month!

I’m so happy that I stumbled across the #ARCAugust hashtag on Twitter because I’ve been needing some motivation to get through some of my Netgalley ARCs that I’ve been meaning to read since March!

My current Netgalley ratio is 75% WHICH IS AWESOME and the highest it’s ever been!!! But I’ve never actually reached that precious 80% so that’s what I’ll be attempting to do in August!

I currently have 8 ARCs left to read on Netgalley. While I don’t plan to read ALL of them next month, I want to get through a good chunk of them!

I’ve also received some ARCs from authors or for blog tours which need to be reviewed this month so I’m quite determined!

You can still sign-up for the ARC August challenge here! Continue reading “ARC August TBR // let’s tackle those ARCs we’ve been avoiding!!”