Top 5 Wednesday: Future Classics

T5WTime for Top 5 Wednesday! T5W is a weekly book meme hosted by Samantha and Lainey over on YouTube. Each week there is a new book-related topic to answer! If you’re new to Top 5 Wednesday and want to participate, check out the Goodreads group for information and weekly topics!

This week’s topic is Future Classics!

*click on the book covers to be directed to the Goodreads page*

  1. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: I really do hope that this will be considered a classic in the future! I need teachers all over the world to be talking about this book, making sure to educate their students on this matter. It is based on the Black Lives Matter movement and SO relevant! The events happening in The Hate U Give are fictional but police brutality against black people is a very present and very real problem in America! It makes me sick to my stomach that the things portayed in the book are REAL and there’s nothing I can do to prevent it. I hate feeling this powerless. A very relevant and important book that depicts current events in an unapologetically honest way that needs to be read by everyone!

The Hate U Give

  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: To be honest, I already consider this a classic. I feel like almost everyone has read this at least once in their life, or at the very least has it on their TBR. This book is so powerful, both pretty and ugly, beautiful and heart-breaking, simply brilliant and a must-read in my opinion.

The Book Thief

  1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: This is definitely going to be considered a classic in the future, if it isn’t already! I feel like THG is the first YA fantasy series with a dystopian setting that really opened up a new door for young readers, and really introducing them to the YA/Fantasy/Dystopian genre! At least it was that way for me! Sure, there was the Twilight Saga but for me The Hunger Games really took it to another level!

The Hunger Games

  1. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini: This was published during the U.S. war in Afghanistan and as a result of 9/11 and I believe it is an important read and could become a classic in the future! It is definitely sitting in the classics section on my shelf 😉

The Kite Runner

  1. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling: Okay, who didn’t see this coming? 😀 We all know we’re going to read these books to our kids and grandkids, nieces and nephews. These books are timeless and will be passed on and shared for generations!

Harry Potter 1

Honorable Mentions: Life of Pi by Yann Martel, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (it’d be SO cool if this became a classic!)

Jackie x

What books do you think will be considered classics one day? Are there any (underrated) books that you wish more people would read because they’d make a good classic? Chat with me in the comments, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

17 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: Future Classics

  1. It’s pretty hard to predict what will be a classic. I like your selections a lot. I definitely agree with The Book Thief and The Hunger Games and The Kite Runner. I think TFIOS might make it one day too. It’d be interesting to go back and look at how different classic books were received.

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    1. Thanks! I totally agree with TFIOS I feel like the whole world has read it and it’s so popular that it might be considered a classic one day! I’m excited for the future to see which books will ACTUALLY be considered classics, it’s so interesting to think about!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. o.m.g. YES. THUG will be a classic. I’ve only read a small bit of it, but it was GOOD. And haha, yes Harry Potter! I… haven’t… read THG??? Or TBT??? *hides in shame* I heard The Kite Runner is good so I probably will check it out! (And SoC would be an awesome classic, but I don’t think it could be one. XD )

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