Mini Reviews: Cinder, Blue is the Warmest Color and Unfiltered // I read so many good books recently!!

I have recently read and enjoyed various books and I loved them so much that I feel the need to share them with you!

But instead of writing the longest reviews (usually like 500 1k 2k words) that end up being rambly and all over the place, I decided I’d write some cute and short mini reviews to share my thoughts (and love) for these books!

The other reason may be that I’m too lazy/busy/exhausted to write said long and extensive reviews hehe and I didn’t take notes while reading (which I only ever do for books that I HAVE to review aka ARCs) so I don’t really have that many thoughts on these anyway.

And I have the worst memory lol. So no notes = short reviews because Jackie’s brain isn’t capable of remebering things long-term.

I am the real-life Dory

Continue reading “Mini Reviews: Cinder, Blue is the Warmest Color and Unfiltered // I read so many good books recently!!”

Popular Series I’m Ashamed I Haven’t Read (Yet) – Pt. 2

Welcome to another round of SHAME where I talk to you about all the popular series I haven’t read (yet) and you get to throw sticks and stones (and whatever else you may find) at me!

I have already done a part 1 of this which you can find here! As you can see, I have read the ACOTAR series so at least I crossed one series off that list! Woo!

This time, I’ve decided to look at series that I actually own and see which ones I still need to read!

Let’s just get right into the series because this will be shameful enough *runs*

Continue reading “Popular Series I’m Ashamed I Haven’t Read (Yet) – Pt. 2”

Top Ten Tuesday – Forming a Body out of Book Covers


Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there’s a new book-related topic to answer!

This week’s topic is a Cover Theme Freebie – so it could literally be anything about book covers!

I was very indecisive at first and couldn’t settle on a topic. All I knew is that I really wanted to include the super gorgeous Shatter Me covers and the adorable When Dimple Met Rishi cover AND THEN I HAD AN IDEA!!!!

Why not “form” a whole body with the help of book covers! So my theme for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday is Book Covers featuring Body Parts/Forming a Body out of Book Covers!!!

I know that technically what I’m about to show you is not a whole body but just check it out and see if you’ll like it? *puppy eyes* ❤

THE FACE – or parts of it hehe

We can either go for a beautiful full face and some wonderful pink hair…


…or we could use a super adorable (half-) face and add two gorgeous eyes to make it a full face!



We have two options here! Personally, I’d go for a more fierce look and choose Feyre’s kickass black dress!



Bare legs because we’re wearing a dress…

…and let’s not forget the shoes! We’re going for a fierce look with the dress so red shoes would be a perfect match! And since we have TWO feet, we’ll need two shoes 😉


I had SO MUCH FUN with this post and I hope you will like it as much as me! I mean, it is a pretty simple post but I love the end result and how the “body” turned out!!!

I’m actually quite proud of myself for having thought of this 🙂 It looks so much better seeing it now than it did in my head!

As always, thank you for reading! ❤

Jackie x

What did you think of the topic I chose? Did you like this post? Do you know of any other book covers that have body parts on them? Maybe covers with hands or ears or any body part I have missed so we could add them to this collection! 😀 Let’s chat in the comments!