Mini Reviews: Dear Martin (so impactful!) and Juliet Takes a Breath (so queer!) // two incredibly powerful and diverse books

Guess who’s back with another post about mini-reviews!

I’ve come to really like writing mini reviews because it takes SO MUCH LESS TIME AND EFFORT and it’s quicker to format.

And I also prefer READING mini reviews nowadays for the same reasons! Quick and easy to read through and more options to comment on!


Today I’ll be talking about two diverse novels who deal with very differing topics, but overall are both incredibly impactful, educational and SO real.

Spoiler alert: I gave both of these books 5 stars. Continue reading “Mini Reviews: Dear Martin (so impactful!) and Juliet Takes a Breath (so queer!) // two incredibly powerful and diverse books”

Waiting on Wednesday: 27 Hours by Tristina Wright – go preorder this book!!!

Since I am skipping this week’s Top 5 Wednesday, I decided to highlight one of my most anticipated releases of 2017! And since Wednesday is “Meme-Day” here on Too Much of a Book Nerd – lol not really, I just made that up – I decided to turn this into a Waiting on Wednesday post!

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. It is a weekly meme that spotlights upcoming book releases that you’re eagerly anticipating.


As I said before, the following book is one of my MOST HIGHLY ANTICIPATED RELEASES this year!!!! You might have heard of it before, or you haven’t. But that’s cool because I am here and I’m about to share it with you!

Anddddd the book is called……………

*drum roll please*

27 Hours by Tristina Wright

And if you’re wondering: “Jackie, why is this one of your most anticipated releases this year?????” BOY, LET ME TELL YOU 😀

This is a book for the QUEER KIDS! 27 Hours has absolutely zero, niente, nada, no straight characters!!! Woooo!!! The rep in this book is really damn great – we have a-, bi- and pansexuals, people of colour and disabled characters! LIKE WHAAAAT?! And this is a SFF book! Queer teens in space, what more could you want? And apparently this is a very fast-paced and action-packed story with incredible writing! AND it is part of a series! YESSSS!

This book has it all AND I AM TOTALLY HERE FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!

But enough talking from me, let’s check out the synopsis below!

“Rumor Mora fears two things: hellhounds too strong for him to kill, and failure. Jude Welton has two dreams: for humans to stop killing monsters, and for his strange abilities to vanish.

But in no reality should a boy raised to love monsters fall for a boy raised to kill them.

Nyx Llorca keeps two secrets: the moon speaks to her, and she’s in love with Dahlia, her best friend. Braeden Tennant wants two things: to get out from his mother’s shadow, and to unlearn Epsilon’s darkest secret.

They’ll both have to commit treason to find the truth.

During one twenty-seven-hour night, if they can’t stop the war between the colonies and the monsters from becoming a war of extinction, the things they wish for will never come true, and the things they fear will be all that’s left.

27 Hours is a sweeping, thrilling story featuring a stellar cast of queer teenagers battling to save their homes and possibly every human on Sahara as the clock ticks down to zero.”

Now, if I have helped you jump on the aweseomeness wagon that is 27 Hours and you’re thinking: “Wow, Jackie! Thanks for sharing this wonderfully queer masterpiece of a book with us! Where can I order it?”

HAVE NO FEAR, MY FRIENDS! MAMA JACKIE AIN’T PLAYING GAMES! I don’t even know what I’m saying lol DON’T MIND ME but rather check out all the preorder links down below!

Goodreads / Amazon US / Amazon UK / Barnes & Noble 

Add it to your Goodreads TBR by simply clicking the button:

27 Hours (The Nightside Saga, #1)

The book is being released on October 3rd 2017 – still so far away *cries* – but thank god for the pre-order option, am I right?

And if you’re wondering… NO, this post is NOT sponsored and I wasn’t asked to do this or whatever. I am just GENUINELY PUMPED FOR THIS RELEASE BECAUSE I HAVE A FEELING IT’S GOING TO BE AWESOME! And I wanted to promote it and get the word out there! So please, if you get the chance, buy/preorder this fabulous book!

Thanks for reading!


What do you think of this book? Are you going to put it on your TBR? Or preorder it? Which book(s) are you highly anticipating this year? Let’s chat in the comments!

Make sure to answer my poll and help me choose a name for my new blog segment/feature/meme!

Most Anticipated Book Releases – May 2017

Since April is coming to an end (whaaat?) and May will bless us with some great new books, I thought I’d share my favourite/most highly anticipated releases for the month of May with you!

*click on the book covers to be directed to the Goodreads page*ACOWAR

A Court of Wings and Ruin – Sarah J. Maas:

I feel like this one is on EVERYONE’S list! It comes out in a few days and I honestly can’t wait! I’ve only read ACOTAR and I’m currently reading ACOMAF for the first time but I am so obsessed!

BY THE WAY…… I am OUTRAGED!!!!!! APPARENTLY MY COPY OF ACOWAR WON’T BE HERE UNTIL THE 9TH OF MAY!!! :OOOOOO So, I’ll probably avoid all social media until I’ve actually read it because I don’t want to be spoiled for this one!!!

Release Day: May 2nd 2017



When Dimple Met Rishi – Sandhya Menon

I have been waiting for this book for MONTHS and I honestly can’t believe it will be here soon!!!! The end of May can’t come fast enough! It’s about two Indian-American teens whose parents have arranged for them to be married. It’s supposed to be a super sweet and adorable and genuinely funny YA novel and I can’t wait to read it! And isn’t that just the cutest cover EVER!!! 😀

Release Day: May 30th 2017


Noteworthy – Riley Redgate

I’ve only seen very few people talk about this book but I heard amazing things about it and I’m quite excited for it to be released! This is a coming of age contemporary novel about a cappella and college and it’s #ownvoices! The MC is Chinese and bisexual and it’s generally a very diverse book that discusses important topics like sexuality, gender etc. You should totally check it out once it releases!

Release Day: May 2nd 2017



The Love Interest – Cale Dietrich

This is a story about teenage spies (which ALREADY makes me want to read it!!!!). Two boys are competing for a girl and she has to choose between the two of them. Whoever the girl doesn’t choose will die. Do I even need to say more???!?!

Release Day: May 16th 2017



The Seafarer’s Kiss –  Julia Ember

This is a bisexual, f/f retelling of The Little Mermaid and WHO DOESN’T LOVE A GOOD MERMAID STORY?!?! A Goodreads review said that this story is about “Ursula outwitting Loki to save the woman she loves” and I was SOLD. Can’t wait to finally read this one!

Release Day: May 4th 2017



Flame in the Mist – Renee Ahdieh

How could I write a post like this and NOT mention Flame in the Mist!!! This is a Mulan retelling or at least has some similarities to Mulan and if that doesn’t make you want to read the book then I don’t know what will!!!

Release Day: May 16th 2017



Thanks for reading!

Jackie x

What are some of your favourite/most highly anticipated May releases? Are any of them on my list? And if they aren’t, please let me know which ones you’re excited about and give me some more recs!!! 😀

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Turn-Offs

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there’s a new book-related topic to answer!

This week’s topic is Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly NOT Want To Read A Book – tell us all your book turn offs!

  • Weird book covers: I know, I know, we’ve all heard the phrase „Don’t judge a book by its cover.“ but I can’t help it! If a cover is aesthetically pleasing or I really like a certain font, picture, phrase, colour, I am more likely to pick it up that when I see a very poorly made cover (we all know which ones I’m talking about). I hate that I’m like this but that’s just the way it is! 😀
  • Insta-love: Oh man, I AM SO TIRED OF INSTA-LOVE!!! Sure, maybe love at first sight exists, but I feel like at first it’s just a CRUSH that develops! You can’t be in love with someone after one day!!! I hate when characters meet someone (usually girl-meets-boy) and one day later their inner monologue consists of “oh my gosh, he’s so cute! What are these feelings? I think I’m in love! I can’t live without him!” like how??? Suddenly, they’re in love with someone they’ve just met without having even had ONE meaningful conversation!!! You don’t even know anything about the other, HOW CAN YOU BE IN LOVE WITH THEM ALREADY??!!!?!?!

  • Multiple POVs: I usually hate when a book is told from multiple perspectives especially if there are more than 2 POVs!!! I can still tolerate when a book is told from 2 points of view (like in Eleanor & Park for example) but if there are more than 2, I probably won’t pick it up unless it’s well done *cough* SIX OF CROWS *cough*.
  • Poor grammar: I don’t think I need to explain this one. Get your book proof-read before publishing it!!!!!!
  • One trope that I absolutely hate is the girl-against-girl/girl-hate trope! You know when there’s a group of female bullies, or if a girl talks bad about other girls for wearing make-up, dressing differently, playing football AND SO ON AND SO FORTH! I could go on about this forever! Everybody is different and unique in their own way (oh my god, I am having High School Musical flashbacks)

Everyone is special in their own way
We make each other strong (we make each other strong)
Were not the same
Were different in a good way
Together’s where we belong

If that wasn’t encouraging! :’) We as women get enough comments from butthurt men so why can’t we girls all stick together and love and support each other? Especially in books! Young girls need to read about girl LOVE and female empowerment!!!

  • No diversity/questionable rep/heteronormativity: This doesn’t need explaining either. WE NEED DIVERSITY IN BOOKS!!!! Representation matters!!!! We live in a BIG WORLD and no one is the same! Just because you’re one thing, doesn’t mean everyone else is!!! Don’t just assume and keep an open mind. Always.
  • Controversial authors: I won’t read a book if the author of said book is considered controversial. If an author has questionable views, is known to be homophobic/racist/sexist etc or there’s other negative things they have done in the bookish world (in terms of publishing or whatever) I won’t be reading or supporting their books. No matter how good the book might be, if the author is problematic, I won’t read it!

stitch throws book photo tumblr_lmlo2tHpC61qza37h.gif

  • Standalones/duologies that turn into series when it wasn’t expected (Apparently, A Court of Thorns and Roses will be getting three more books and two novellas??? Huh?????)


  • Series that are longer than 3 books: This isn’t necessarily a book turn-off, I just prefer a trilogy over a long series with 6 books (or more)! Sometimes a trilogy is enough and some authors just make it worse by adding more books to a story! For example, I love the City of Bones series but it could have ended at City of Glass and it would have been enough! That doesn’t mean I didn’t like the last 3 books of the series, it just felt very draggy and unnecessary! This isn’t the case for all books though! As I said, sometimes it’s great to have a looong series and sometimes a few books are enough!

Thanks for reading!

Jackie x

What are some of your book turn-offs? Are there certain tropes you dislike? Or is there a certain word/sentence that makes you want to instantly NOT read a book when you read it? Are you like me and judge a book by its cover? Let’s chat in the comments!

Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there’s a new book-related topic to answer!

This week’s topic is Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book – so basically any topic or theme or ANYTHING that will make you instantly want to pick up a book.

  • Character-driven: This is such an important aspect to me when it comes to books! I LOVE knowing a character in depth, knowing all their strengths and flaws, the Ins and Outs, just things that help make the character feel more REAL! I hate when a character is flat, dull, boring UGH it makes me lose interest in a book in 0.02 seconds!!!
  • If someone tells me a character in the story is like Warner or a relationship is like Warnette from Shatter Me… I’M SOLD!!!!!!
Oh hi there WARNER!!!!
  • Diversity: do I even need to explain this
  • I will most likely read anything by Tahereh Mafi or Leigh Bardugo, I trust both of them with my life!
  • Friendship: Well, not like any friendship because I mean literally EVERY book has friendship in one way or the other but more the powerful bond type of friendship where they go on adventures or missions together and they know that they can rely on each other, they trust each other and you know, they’re trying to make it through difficult situations TOGETHER! I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN I DON’T KNOW ANY OTHER WAY TO EXPLAIN IT!!!!! (I believe the friendship that I am describing here is like the one in Six of Crows??? Again, I haven’t read it yet but I get the impression IT’S THAT KIND OF FRIENDSHIP!!!!! THE ONE THAT I LOVE SO MUCH!!!! Also Kenji and Juliette’s friendship in Shatter Me, PLEASE IT’S THE BEST! Or the Harry Potter friendships! Or the group in the Grisha trilogy; Alina, Nikolai, Zoya, Genya, the lot!!!)

  • This kind of has to do with friendship but I really like if there is a strong sibling relationship in a book! Like when you can tell that they really love and care for each other and would do anything for the other! (I don’t mean to make everything about Shatter Me (lol or DO I?!) but something that Adam and James have (I can’t stand Adam but his little brother is his #1 and I admire that) or one of my recent reads that features that is Caraval with Scarlett and Tella! Or Katniss and Prim. Alec and Isabelle. You know it.)
  • If a book is about a prince or a prince is involved somehow. It doesn’t even have to be your typical Prince Charming but there’s just something about princes that I love! Oh, and even better if said prince is similar to Nikolai Lantsov. Or generally, if someone tells me a character has similar traits like him! That boy has my heart ❤
  • Poetic/Lyrical writing: (this is the last time I’ll mention it I PROMISE) I adore Tahereh’s writing in Shatter Me! I know that it’s not for everyone but I think it’s incredible and it hits me in all the right places! I was also a big fan of the writing in Caraval! BUT the poetic writing has to be good, sometimes it’s just too over the top or dramatic and it annoys meeee!
  • If PeruseProject recommends it! She’s probably the only Booktuber I don’t have ANY problems with! She’s just so likeable and I believe she has a great taste in books!

  • Tropes I’m a fan of: enemies-to-lovers, fake-dating (mostly in fics, I don’t think I’ve ever read a fake-dating book!), THE NERDY/GEEKY TROPE (I’ve been really loving it recently especially in Geekerella! Quick shoutout to Mandy for the super adorable and nerdy recs <3)

Honorable Mention (or my #11): This is not a necessity but if a book has 4+ stars on Goodreads I am more likely to read it or at least add it to my TBR! I mean, I don’t really care about the opinions of others because I’d always like to form my own (well, I kind of do care… sometimes… but…. you know what I mean) but it’s like OH, this is cool! It must be a good book if it has such a good rating!

That’s it for my Top 10 Things that will make me instantly want to read a book! Can we say Book Turn-Ons? Is that a thing? Well, I just made it a thing 😛

Jackie x

What are some of your favourite tropes/topics/themes/anything that will make you instantly want to read a book? Are some of them on my list? Let’s chat in the comments.

Review: Future Leaders of Nowhere by Emily O’Beirne | 5 Stars | Spoiler Free

Future Leaders Of Nowhere

Title: Future Leaders of Nowhere

Author: Emily O’Beirne

Genre: YA, Contemporary, LGBTQ+

Published: March 15th 2017 by Ylva Publishing

Pages: 270

*Thanks so much to Ylva Publishing for contacting me and sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion in any way!*

(via Goodreads): “Finn’s solid. Not in body, but in being. She’s gravity and kindness and all those good things that anchor.”

“Willa’s confusing. Sometimes she’s this sweet, sensitive soul. Other times she’s like a flaming arrow you hope isn’t coming for you.”

Finn and Willa have been picked as team leaders in the future leader camp game. The usually confident Finn doesn’t know what’s throwing her more, the fact she’s leading a team of highly unenthusiastic overachievers or coming up against fierce, competitive Willa. And Willa doesn’t know which is harder, leaving her responsibilities behind to pursue her goals or opening up to someone.

Soon they both realise that the hardest thing of all is balancing their clashing ideals with their unexpected connection. And finding a way to win, of course.“

Goodreads / Amazon US / Amazon UK / Barnes & Noble

Future Leaders of Nowhere is about a leadership game which takes place in the Australian bush. In the camp game each group is assigned a political position; some are a democracy, a monarchy etc, some groups have resources like food and water and some rely on trade with other groups. Finn’s group is the one with no land, no resources and the ones seeking refugee. Every other day the camp guide gives them a scenario that affects the camps in a way ie. a storm that destroys the food cultivation and so on. These scenarios lead to changes that need to be made and alliances to be formed.

We follow the first half of the story from Finn’s point of view. I immediately took a liking to her after the first few chapters. She is funny, sassy and sarcastic. At her school, Finn is the intermediate captain. When the camp guide tells each group to choose a leader, Finn is the obvious choice for her team. He team mates are lazy shits but they trust her to make the right decisions for her team and get things done!

I loved the character development of Finn. At the beginning of Survival Camp (that’s what I’m going to call it lol) she feels very lonely and misplaced as her parents at home are fighting and she believes they are close to a divorce. She blames herself for it and these thoughts make her feel unsure of herself and she doesn’t feel like being the right person to lead her group.

As the story moves along and Finn and her team are faced with different challenges. While working as a team to solve these problems and meeting and getting to know Willa, she changes for the better. Finn said herself that she has turned into her old self again, the one she was before the almost-divorce of her parents. She becomes more confident and determined, she makes smart choices that help her team and she starts to believe in things AND herself again.

I also really like how the group dynamic changes. At the beginning everyone is very lazy and doesn’t feel like being part of the camp since they don’t really know each other or why they’re there. But they learn how to deal with their situation and start working together towards the goal of winning (even if they don’t know WHAT they’re going to win lol) and it binds them together.

Around the middle of the book the point of view changes and we see the story through Willa’s eyes. I didn’t really know what to think of Willa when we get to know her through Finn’s eyes but I really liked her after experiencing the story from her point of view.

Willa is the leader of another group in the Survival Camp. She was describes by Finn and her group as very intense and fierce, composed and a follower of rules, and sometimes even shy and innocent. Willa sticks to the game and her group but within the group she minds her own business. She distances herself from the others and doesn’t really share information about herself.

Willa is also going through some major character development. She used to be very distanced and composed, although always standing up for herself and others and  not taking shit from disrespectful boys (cough Drew, cough), but she still kept to herself. She was a combination of quiet, tough, genius girl. By the end of the book Willa has really opened up to the other girls in her group and learned how to rely on others and not just do everything alone! She found new friends in her team mates and members of other groups.

I loved how the relationship between Willa and Finn evolved.

Her and Finn coincidentally met at a clearing in the woods (I think?) one morning and agreed to meet there every morning and just sit and talk to each other. The only rule they have is not to talk about the game, strategics etc. Over the course of the game they share some private thoughts and they really get to know each other.

They’re both very strong personalities but completely different from each other. But still they fit together perfectly and they were really sweet together. The development of their relationship felt very realistic, it’s like the feelings for the other person creeped up on both of them and they didn’t realise they were slowly falling for each other. It was so sweet.

The writing flowed nicely and the chapters were short so it was very easy to read and breeze through this book! And I generally loved the whole idea of the survival camp. I kind of imagined the setting of the movie The Parent Trap with the camps and everything! I didn’t know what to think when I went into the book and I definitely didn’t expect to love it this much!

The one thing I really loved about this book was the diversity! Obviously we have Finn and Willa as LGBTQ+ characters but there’s also some PoC (we only really get to know the people from Finn’s group because that’s who we follow throughout most of the story). Craig’s dad is Polynesian, Jessie (a very sweet and funny character) is Chinese, we have the two inseperable best friends Hana and Zaki who are both muslim and Willa who is half-Indian.

I loved how it was “slipped in” so casually and naturally and how the characters weren’t portayed like something extraordinary or “exotic” (which happens in some books, ugh, I hate when it’s like being sensationalized). This was a very pleasant read and what I’m looking for in a diverse book!

Future Leaders of Nowhere is a book that is most importantly about friendship and teamwork with a sweet LGBTQ+ romance, loads of diverse characters and some kickass female leaders and group members who are all about girl power.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 out of 5 stars)