Mini Reviews: Cinder, Blue is the Warmest Color and Unfiltered // I read so many good books recently!!

I have recently read and enjoyed various books and I loved them so much that I feel the need to share them with you!

But instead of writing the longest reviews (usually like 500 1k 2k words) that end up being rambly and all over the place, I decided I’d write some cute and short mini reviews to share my thoughts (and love) for these books!

The other reason may be that I’m too lazy/busy/exhausted to write said long and extensive reviews hehe and I didn’t take notes while reading (which I only ever do for books that I HAVE to review aka ARCs) so I don’t really have that many thoughts on these anyway.

And I have the worst memory lol. So no notes = short reviews because Jackie’s brain isn’t capable of remebering things long-term.

I am the real-life Dory

Continue reading “Mini Reviews: Cinder, Blue is the Warmest Color and Unfiltered // I read so many good books recently!!”


Hello friends and welcome to my stop on the The Tiger’s Watch Tour!!! I’m so so so excited to be participating in this tour and being able to promote such a great book!

If you’ve been following me for a while you might remember that I mentioned The Tiger’s Watch in my #ARCstravaganza post a few months ago and I TOTALLY FREAKED OUT ABOUT IT BC JULIA EMBER HERSELF SENT ME THE BOOK.

AND IT’S JULIA EMBER!!! THE WOMAN WHO WROTE UNICORN TRACKS AND THE SEAFARER’S KISS (I haven’t read either of them but I know that they’re brilliant).

So when I heard she’d come out with a book about a genderfluid main character???? I KNEW I HAD TO GET MY HANDS ON IT.

Please enjoy my review and check out the giveaway below! It’s international!!!

You can follow the rest of the tour here. Continue reading “The Tiger’s Watch by Julia Ember // A GENDERFLUID CHARACTER WHO HAS A SPIRITUAL BOND WITH AN ANIMAL? SIGN ME UP + Giveaway”

#ARCstravaganza: The Tiger’s Watch

Look at me! I am finally participating in the new #ARCstravaganza meme! I’ve been meaning to do so ever since Krysti and Sarah announced it but I kept forgetting about it! Whew, thank god I finally remembered 😛

#ARCstravaganza is a weekly meme hosted by YA and Wine to give book bloggers/bookstagrammers a chance to show off the ARCs/eARCs they are excited about! Comment on their weekly posts with a link to your own #ARCstravaganza blog post, or post a picture on Instagram using the #ARCstravaganza hashtag, and you will be entered to win an ARC copy of an upcoming YA novel! One winner will be chosen at random each month.

Continue reading “#ARCstravaganza: The Tiger’s Watch”

Waiting on Wednesday: 27 Hours by Tristina Wright – go preorder this book!!!

Since I am skipping this week’s Top 5 Wednesday, I decided to highlight one of my most anticipated releases of 2017! And since Wednesday is “Meme-Day” here on Too Much of a Book Nerd – lol not really, I just made that up – I decided to turn this into a Waiting on Wednesday post!

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. It is a weekly meme that spotlights upcoming book releases that you’re eagerly anticipating.


As I said before, the following book is one of my MOST HIGHLY ANTICIPATED RELEASES this year!!!! You might have heard of it before, or you haven’t. But that’s cool because I am here and I’m about to share it with you!

Anddddd the book is called……………

*drum roll please*

27 Hours by Tristina Wright

And if you’re wondering: “Jackie, why is this one of your most anticipated releases this year?????” BOY, LET ME TELL YOU 😀

This is a book for the QUEER KIDS! 27 Hours has absolutely zero, niente, nada, no straight characters!!! Woooo!!! The rep in this book is really damn great – we have a-, bi- and pansexuals, people of colour and disabled characters! LIKE WHAAAAT?! And this is a SFF book! Queer teens in space, what more could you want? And apparently this is a very fast-paced and action-packed story with incredible writing! AND it is part of a series! YESSSS!

This book has it all AND I AM TOTALLY HERE FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!

But enough talking from me, let’s check out the synopsis below!

“Rumor Mora fears two things: hellhounds too strong for him to kill, and failure. Jude Welton has two dreams: for humans to stop killing monsters, and for his strange abilities to vanish.

But in no reality should a boy raised to love monsters fall for a boy raised to kill them.

Nyx Llorca keeps two secrets: the moon speaks to her, and she’s in love with Dahlia, her best friend. Braeden Tennant wants two things: to get out from his mother’s shadow, and to unlearn Epsilon’s darkest secret.

They’ll both have to commit treason to find the truth.

During one twenty-seven-hour night, if they can’t stop the war between the colonies and the monsters from becoming a war of extinction, the things they wish for will never come true, and the things they fear will be all that’s left.

27 Hours is a sweeping, thrilling story featuring a stellar cast of queer teenagers battling to save their homes and possibly every human on Sahara as the clock ticks down to zero.”

Now, if I have helped you jump on the aweseomeness wagon that is 27 Hours and you’re thinking: “Wow, Jackie! Thanks for sharing this wonderfully queer masterpiece of a book with us! Where can I order it?”

HAVE NO FEAR, MY FRIENDS! MAMA JACKIE AIN’T PLAYING GAMES! I don’t even know what I’m saying lol DON’T MIND ME but rather check out all the preorder links down below!

Goodreads / Amazon US / Amazon UK / Barnes & Noble 

Add it to your Goodreads TBR by simply clicking the button:

27 Hours (The Nightside Saga, #1)

The book is being released on October 3rd 2017 – still so far away *cries* – but thank god for the pre-order option, am I right?

And if you’re wondering… NO, this post is NOT sponsored and I wasn’t asked to do this or whatever. I am just GENUINELY PUMPED FOR THIS RELEASE BECAUSE I HAVE A FEELING IT’S GOING TO BE AWESOME! And I wanted to promote it and get the word out there! So please, if you get the chance, buy/preorder this fabulous book!

Thanks for reading!


What do you think of this book? Are you going to put it on your TBR? Or preorder it? Which book(s) are you highly anticipating this year? Let’s chat in the comments!

Make sure to answer my poll and help me choose a name for my new blog segment/feature/meme!