ARC August TBR // let’s tackle those ARCs we’ve been avoiding!!

Oh looooook, I found a super cool challenge to participate in next month!

I’m so happy that I stumbled across the #ARCAugust hashtag on Twitter because I’ve been needing some motivation to get through some of my Netgalley ARCs that I’ve been meaning to read since March!

My current Netgalley ratio is 75% WHICH IS AWESOME and the highest it’s ever been!!! But I’ve never actually reached that precious 80% so that’s what I’ll be attempting to do in August!

I currently have 8 ARCs left to read on Netgalley. While I don’t plan to read ALL of them next month, I want to get through a good chunk of them!

I’ve also received some ARCs from authors or for blog tours which need to be reviewed this month so I’m quite determined!

You can still sign-up for the ARC August challenge here! Continue reading “ARC August TBR // let’s tackle those ARCs we’ve been avoiding!!”

June Wrap-Up // Books, future plans and NEW GRAPHICS eek!!!


I feel like I’ve only just started my blog BUT NO – IT’S BEEN 4 MONTHS ALREADY *gasps*

I’m also more than halfway through my semester at uni WHICH IS CRAZY and it makes me nervous as hell because I’ll be writing an exam at the end of the month PLUS two term papers! The thought alone makes me want to go cry in a corner.

July will be a super stressful month for me but once that is over, I’ll be going on vacation! YESSSS!

future me at the beach once my exams are over

I’m rambling again so how about we just get into my June Wrap-Up! Shall we? Continue reading “June Wrap-Up // Books, future plans and NEW GRAPHICS eek!!!”

Summer Mini Bloggiesta 2017

At the beginning of this year and when I’ve only just started blogging, I participated in the Spring Bloggiesta! It was sooooo much fun and I felt a great sense of accomplishment afterwards so I thought I’d participate again!

“Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing.”

This time, it’s just a little Mini-Bloggiesta that takes place over the weekend (June 17-18) instead of the entire week! Still, I have no plans for this weekend and therefore I’m hoping to accomplish a lot of things blog-related!

So, all you gotta do is write your very own to-do list and post it to your blog. It doesn’t matter how long or short it is, it’s your blog after all!

My Summer Mini-Bloggiesta goals:

  • participate in the Twitter chat (Saturday June 17, 2pm EST)
  • pre-write 2 discussion posts
  • write Loom review
  • write One S’More Summer review
  • sort Review Archive by author/name/rating
  • maybe get some dividers???? I DON’T KNOW YET

I think that’s it for now! I’ll only have the weekend after all and I also want to get some reading done!

If you want to participate in the Summer mini-Bloggiesta as well, head over to for the official rules and to get inspiration for your own To-Do list! You can sign-up for it HERE!

Happy Bloggiesta and good luck on getting things done!


Thank you for reading!


Will you be participating in the Summer Mini-Bloggiesta? What is on your own To-Do list? Do you have any future plans for your blog? Let’s chat in the comments!

April TBR + A Very ARC-ish Readathon

Hey guys! I know I’m like super late but here is my TBR for April!

Remember what I said in my March TBR about being a mood reader and never ending up reading the books I had planned to to read??????

Yeah. That’s pretty much what happened to me in March.

I only had two books on my TBR but I barely even finished one of them!

I was participating in a Buddy Read and that was pretty much my only motivation to keep on reading Jane Austen’s Emma! It’s not that I didn’t like it, I gave it 4 stars on Goodreads! It’s just that it got a little boring in the middle and I just wasn’t in the mood for it anymore. I kept reaching for other books so I almost had to force myself to read on! Never again.

I still plan on doing monthly TBR lists but I don’t think I’ll choose more than 3 books and I won’t make myself feel bad about not reading everything I had planned to!

*click on the book covers to be directed to the Goodreads page*

Six of Crows
The first book on my April TBR won’t come as a surprise to you since I KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT! It’s Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo! You’ve seen me talk about this one all month (and I’ve been whining about it to my friends for much longer) and I just can’t wait to read this already! I know for sure that I am in the mood to read this. Hell, I’ve been in the mood to read Six of Crows ever since it came out! I’m so, so, sooooo excited!


The Bone Season

The next book I plan to read is The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. I’ve had this book for a while and she recently came out with new covers that are absolutely beautiful! They’ve had a sample of the first chapter up for request on Netgalley and my overeager I’m-a-newbie-and-need-to-request-EVERYTHING self decided to request it. Huh???? Why did I request it? I literally own the book. I’ve had it for months. Like, what? Where’s the logic? But I guess that gives me a good excuse to finally start reading the series! 😀



If you’ve read my March TBR post you might remember that I mentioned putting one classic a month on my TBR list because I own so many and barely read any of them. For this month I wanted to choose something short because Emma has just been a pain to get through (even if I loved it!). I decided to go with Persuasion by Jane Austen. The novel is super thin and I hope I can breeze through it quickly!

No, this is not the end of the post! 😛

The next thing I’ll be talking about is A Very Arc-ish Readathon! It is hosted by Aimal over at Bookshelves and Paperbacks. Check out her post to see how you can participate!


Basically, the idea is to tackle the ARCs on your TBR! This is a pretty chill readathon, there are no challenges and everyone picks their own goals!

I have a lot of Netgalley ARCs waiting to be reviewed and since I’m back at university just after Easter and life will get a lot busier, I am going to try to get through most of my ARCs in April! (At least the ones that were released in March and the ones for April!) BUT I won’t pressure myself and just read whatever I’m in the mood for! I am also hoping to get to that precious 80% ratio, fingers crossed!

I won’t make a TBR for the ARCs because there’s so many and I’ll just pick whatever I’m in the mood for at the moment!

Thanks so much for reading!

Jackie x

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? And do you have a monthly TBR list or are you a mood reader like me and just don’t bother? What about those ARCs, which ones do you plan on reading this month? Let’s chat!

Spring Bloggiesta Finish-Line!


Well, that’s a wrap!!! This year’s spring Bloggiesta is officially over!

This was my very first Bloggiesta and it was so much fun! I really put my focus this week on accomplishing the things on my Bloggiesta To-Do list and it actually helped me accomplish ALL of the things that I planned to do! I really didn’t think I’d be able to complete all of the things on my list, I’m pleasantly surprised (and kind of proud of myself, haha)!

For anyone who is interested to see what I’ve accomplished this week head over to my original Spring Bloggiesta post to see the complete list!

I really enjoyed participating in the very first Twitter chat! Unfortunately, I couldn’t make the others due to the time difference but I still got to know some super sweet and fun bloggers! We talked about all things blogging; things we wanted to accomplish this week, how to keep blogging a fun experience and discussed what we crossed off of our to-do lists!

I also loved all the kind and encouraging comments I got from everyone participating in Bloggiesta! And even from people who weren’t participating. I felt very loved so thanks everyone :’)

All in all, it was a great experience and you’ll definitely (hopefully) see me joining a lot more Bloggiestas in the future! I already can’t wait for the summer Mini Bloggiesta! Seriously, summer can’t come fast enough! 😉bloggiestalogo

Jackie x

Spring Bloggiesta 2017


Heeeyyyyy, it’s almost time for this year’s spring Bloggiesta! This is the very first bookish “meme” I am participating in and I’m very excited!

What is Bloggiesta, you’re asking? I think the hosts explained it very well;

“Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing.”

So, all you gotta do is write your very own to-do list and post it to your blog. It doesn’t matter how long or short it is, it’s your blog after all! You may also link it here so other Bloggiesta participants can see it and show you love and support!

The spring Bloggiesta takes part from March 20-26 so you still have plenty of time to write a to-do list if you want to participate 🙂

Here is my Spring Bloggiesta To-Do List!

re-write/organise my review policy
write my E&E and R&R review 
☑ choose 1-2 weekly memes to participate in (T5W, T10T)
☑ schedule blog posts 2 weeks in advance
☑ do at least one mini challenge (updated/cleaned up my sidebar)
 figure out HTML/graphics etc
☑ re-organise review archive (I didn’t really change anything lol)
☑ write and schedule Mystery Blogger Award blog post
☑  comment on other Bloggiesta partipants blogs
☑ participate in at least one Twitter chat (I hope I can make the other two!)

Head over to the official Bloggiesta blog for more info!

Let’s do this! 😀

Jackie xbloggiestastart