GUESS WHO’S BACK (back again), JACKIE’S BACK (tell a friend) // I’ve returned + A COMPLETELY NEW BLOG DESIGN (it’s so pretty)



Guess who finally handed in her term papers and now has all the time in the world (actually I only have a week) to get back into blogging!!! THIS GIRRRRL.

*cue Eminem’s Without Me aka the “Guess who’s back, back again” song*

Some of you might not even remember me because my hiatus lasted way too long—I said I’d be back July 31st and now it’s October hA I’m the worst :’) You’re probably wondering where this creepy new girl in your Reader came from and WHO EVEN ARE YOU????? I DON’T REMEMBER FOLLOWING YOU. GET OUT.

Ummm, first of all—chill??? Maybe??? There’s not reason to be rude???

Secondly, it’s ME. It’s Jackie aka Too Much of a Booknerd aka the girl who won’t shut up about Shatter Me and Warnette (and Harry Styles) aka the girl with uncreative and boring content aka the girl whose blog design/graphics were the WORST and messiest ever.

BUT ALL OF THAT CHANGED (except the Warnette and Harry Styles part lol i’m still WHIPPED).

I redesigned my entire blog!!! AND I’M SO FREAKING PROUD OF IT. Seriously, if you’re reading this post in your Reader right now… don’t. Come and visit my actual site and let your eyes be blessed with the most beautiful blog design I have ever created.

I literally tear up a little every time I visit my blog and see my header because IT’S SO PRETTY AND PERFECT AND I’M SO IN LOVE WITH IT. BLESS.

Continue reading “GUESS WHO’S BACK (back again), JACKIE’S BACK (tell a friend) // I’ve returned + A COMPLETELY NEW BLOG DESIGN (it’s so pretty)”

Blogger Recognition Award


Hello there, my dear friends!

I am skipping this week’s Top Ten Tuesday because I’ve done a similar topic for the ‘Things That Make Me Want To Read A Book’-topic 2 weeks ago so check that out if you’re interested in seeing what I’d like to see more in books!

I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award! Zuky @ the BookBum tagged me A LONG TIME AGO and I finally got around to it! I was also tagged by Lois @ Lois Reads Books recently. Thank you both so much for this! You know the drill, if you have never heard of neither Zuky nor Lois, you better go click those two links RIGHT NOW and follow them! They’re amazing

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  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 10 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

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Umm, let’s see….. The idea of having a blog has been playing around in my mind for quite a while – weeks, if not months before I created Too Much of a Book Nerd! I was very into makeup but also books and since I’m too shy (and scared lol) to have my own YouTube account, I decided a blog is the way to go! I was going to do a Makeup/Books crossover blog but eventually decided against it, as I am not makeup expert and pretty much just do whatever I want with it! 😀 So then, one day, when I had particularly too much time on my hands, I read like 10 different posts on ‘How To Create Your Own Blog’, picked a name for it, created an About page, my first blog post and boom – now here we are! 😀

cheers (7)Comment, comment, comment: If you liked someone’s post, let them know! It doesn’t matter whether it is a short and quick “Great post!” or a super long paragraph where you discuss every single detail – I think every blogger appreciates every single comment they get! At least I know that I do! ❤

Commenting on other people’s blogs also helps you to get your name out there and other bloggers might discover your blog and you will get comments in return!

Another thing is to always respond to your comments! I’ve had the experience with 1 or 2 people who never ever responded to any of mine or anyone else’s comments! That just irritated me to no end!

Be yourself: Don’t force yourself to be someone you’re not. If you hate a book that everyone adores, say it! Write that 1 star/DNF review and let people know! If you love participating in weekly memes, go for it! If you’re not into Young Adult, blog about the genre that you love! You are who you are and you have your own opinions and preferences. Don’t look at what other people are doing or try to be like them! And don’t be afraid to speak your mind (as long as you’re not offending anyone). JUST BE YOURSELF! ❤

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Michaela @ Journey into BooksSavannah @ The Book ProphetAngela @ Life of Angela / Darque Dreamer Reads / Christen @ Read by Chris

If you don’t do tags/awards , if you’ve been tagged before or if you simply want to skip this one, feel freet to do so! 😛 And if you WANT to have a go at it, consider yourself tagged!

That’s it for my little pieces of advice! I haven’t been blogging for too long but I hope they were helpful 😛

Thanks for reading!


What advice would YOU give newbie bloggers? Let’s chat in the comments!

Make sure to answer my poll and help me choose a name for my new blog segment/feature/meme!

Announcement: New Feature/Segment (but I need your help!!!)


IT’S TIME…………………………….

As promised, I am bringing you A NEW ORIGINAL SEGMENT/FEATURE OF MINE!!!! AHHHHHH!!! ❤

Alright, before I reveal anything, let’s dive into a little bit of backstory here;

Ever since I created my blog, maybe even before that, I knew that I wanted to have an original meme/segment/tag WHATEVER of my own but my super uncreative mind just couldn’t come up with something.

Last week, I was quite busy and I was thinking about the million things I still had to do for uni, my blog, life lol and I was scheduling and organising things in my head………. and then it just HIT ME. Like a brick.

Jackie Fangirls.

That name just randomly popped into my head and it stuck there for a while.

So I was thinking: “HEY! This totally reflects me and my personality!” I DO love some healthy fangirling 😀 I tend to get overly excited about (A LOT) of things. I start writing in all caps and use 500 different emojis to express my feelings and emotions. 

So I thought why not turn this into a weekly segment/meme/feature (I don’t know what to call this)! 😀

Whenever I have something, anything to fangirl about, I will post about it! This doesn’t always have to do with books – you can fangirl about TV shows, music, celebrities, a recent meal you had, ANYTHING!

I think it’s a really cool idea!!!!! 😀



QUESTION: Which name do you like better Jackie Fangirls or Fangirl Friday?


Jackie Fangirls makes it more personal and I won’t be constricted to post on a certain day in the week! 

Fangirl Friday sounds a lot more neutral/universal and I could turn this into a weekly thing where YOU GUYS can join in! Kind of like a meme! 😀

So tell me which name you like better because I can’t decide! 😀


SECOND QUESTION: Would anyone be interested if I actually turned this into a (weekly) feature? Where other bloggers can join? That one would definitely be called Fangirl Friday then to make it more universal 😛


And this would be a weekly or bi-weekly, monthly, whenever-you-feel-like-you-need-to-fangirl-about-something thing where everyone just fangirls about whatever they want to fangirl about!

(I will post a more “official” description of this meme, explaining the “rules” or guidelines in my next post if people are actually interested in it.)

So, please tell me if you’d be interested!!! 🙂

And I feel like I have to mention this – I googled “Fangirl Friday” and I’ve seen some people who made this a thing on their blogs, each had a different interpretation of what their own Fangirl Friday is. Pretty much all of the posts I’ve seen were from a couple years ago (like 2013) and their blogs are now abandoned. I don’t want to be accused of being a copy-cat because I literally just googled it like half an hour ago and I had no idea that this existed.

SO would you suggest that I call this Jackie Fangirls just so I’m in the clear??? Or is Fangirl Fridays alright??? Since it’s been abandonded by most of the other bloggers??? And I could like “revive” it?! I’m so insecure and nervous about this lol sorry for asking all these questions 😛

Anyway, that’s it for the announcement for now! Pleeeaasssseeee help me decide by answering my questions! 

My first “Fangirl-post” (depending on what name I will decide upon) will be up on Friday (including an official description, graphics and all…).

Thank you for reading!


If you’ve already forgotten what the questions were: Which name do you like better JACKIE FANGIRLS or FANGIRL FRIDAY? And would you be interested if I turned this into a weekly features where YOU can join in? That one would have to be called Fangirl Friday then. What about the “copying” thing? Let’s chat in the comments!

Spring Cleaning – New Theme, New Design, NEW EVERYTHING

Spring is here – well, it has been here for a while now lol – and I was in the mood to do some organising, cleaning, designing and just CHANGE in general! You may also want to call this Spring Cleaning 😀 So I thought why not start with my blog!

I’ve been meaning to change my theme and general blog design for a while AND I FINALLY DID IT!!!! You might have already seen it – or you haven’t lol.

If you’re reading this in your WordPress Reader… ummmmmm what are you doing, GO CHECK OUT MY NEW BLOG DESIGN!!! Please? 😀

I’m quite happy with how it all turned out! As you might (or might now) know, blue is my favourite colour and I am in love with all the different shades of blue/teal/turquoise etc that are now all over my blog ❤

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So, about the theme…… STORYTIME!!!!! 😀

I’ve had the Button theme since I started my blog and I think it must be the most popular theme on WordPress! I’ve seen a ton of people who use it, too! And I honestly didn’t mind it because I DO think it is so neat and cute – but I felt like it was time for something different!

I found a few themes that I really liked! I even picked one and already started re-designing everything! The theme looked so pretty with the Default Header from WordPress – but once I changed it and uploaded my own, it just looked….. weird.

SO, I kept looking for themes but none really ~spoke~ to me the way Sela did! I feel like Sela is the runner-up when it comes to WordPress themes. AND I LOVE IT! It’s so simple but so PRETTY! So, I ended up with Sela and I love it. :’)

I know that a lot of people have Sela as their theme but I honestly don’t mind! I still think every blog looks SO different! Everyone has their own individual headers and graphics, colours and structure, and it makes every blog unique! And I don’t really pay too much attention to someone’s theme, I think I look a lot more at the graphics and the content!

SOOOO, check out my lovely new theme and my header and all the pretty blueeesss! *heart eyes*

AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! PLEASE! If something looks off, tell meeeee!!! Pretty pleaseeee! 😀



To start off, let me just tell you that I’m no graphic designer and I can’t create pretty-looking graphics FOR THE LIFE OF ME!

But I found a few super cute design freebies and I decided to use them and create my own headers with them! You may have already seen a few new graphics!

Check out the super simple but cute graphic for my tags!

Credit for the lovely flower-y pattern 😛

I also created some dividers but I’m not quite sure yet if I’ll be using them! I’ll have to play around with it and see if I like it! 🙂

I also have headers that I would use like the ones in this post but I don’t know if I like these yet… I’m still looking for a pretty flower-y pattern so actually… just ignore these headers! They’re only temporary! Or maybe not? I don’t know yet 😀

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Credit to Angie Makes for the pink watercolored thingy lol

Hmm, what else?

I still have a few graphics for memes (T5W, TTT) and stuff that I need to create so I’m still working on that but you’ll see them in my future posts! 🙂

That’s all the graphics I have for now!

ANOTHER THING that came along with my Spring Cleaning…… I just really wanted to create something original for my blog! And I can finally say…….

…….I have an idea for a new original segment for my blog YAYYYY!!! I’ll tell you more about it and give you information in a new post on Sunday so GET EXCITED BECAUSE I’M QUITE EXCITED ABOUT IT!!!!! 😀

Sooooo, I think this is it for now! I really hope you like what you see 😀

As always, thanks for reading 🙂

OH BY THE WAY… I have also created a cute lil button thingy to sign off (is that the right word???) my posts YAY!

Annnndddddd here comes my button!!!! ❤

Credit to Angie Makes for the blue watercolored square

So what do you think? Do you like my new theme and the header for my blog? What do you think about my graphics? Does the lil button with my name on it look good? Is there anything that looks off/things that I should change? Please let me know!!! And what do you think about dividers? Do you use them? Should I use them? Let’s chat in the comments!

Welcome to my blog!

Hello and welcome to toomuchofabooknerd! My name is Jackie and I am a 19 year old English Major from Germany.

I am new to the whole concept of blogging but the thought of having a blog of my own has always played in the back of my mind. I finally decided to go through with it and start this book blog! Books have played a big part in my life ever since my 4 year old self taught herself how to read.

Lately I found myself wanting to share my thoughts on books with other people who are just as passionate about books as me (hence this blog). I love reviewing books and expressing my feelings about them but at the same time I enjoy reading reviews of others!

My favourite book genres are Young Adult and Fiction, especially anything that includes fantasy but I also like a good Contemporary read every once in a while. My favourite book series of all time is the Shatter Me trilogy by Tahereh Mafi!

I also enjoy way too many TV shows, some of my favourites are The Vampire Diaries, How To Get Away With Murder, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and so many more! Come talk to me about them if you’d like!

I will probably start by posting 2-3 times a week.

I am happy to meet new people and make friends so contact me on any of my social media or leave a comment, I will always reply to everyone!

I’m excited to start this new chapter and see what the blogging community is like “from up close”. Thank you for taking your time to get to know me through this post and feel free to leave a message or follow my blog.

Happy reading,

Jackie x