April TBR + A Very ARC-ish Readathon

Hey guys! I know I’m like super late but here is my TBR for April!

Remember what I said in my March TBR about being a mood reader and never ending up reading the books I had planned to to read??????

Yeah. That’s pretty much what happened to me in March.

I only had two books on my TBR but I barely even finished one of them!

I was participating in a Buddy Read and that was pretty much my only motivation to keep on reading Jane Austen’s Emma! It’s not that I didn’t like it, I gave it 4 stars on Goodreads! It’s just that it got a little boring in the middle and I just wasn’t in the mood for it anymore. I kept reaching for other books so I almost had to force myself to read on! Never again.

I still plan on doing monthly TBR lists but I don’t think I’ll choose more than 3 books and I won’t make myself feel bad about not reading everything I had planned to!

*click on the book covers to be directed to the Goodreads page*

Six of Crows
The first book on my April TBR won’t come as a surprise to you since I KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT! It’s Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo! You’ve seen me talk about this one all month (and I’ve been whining about it to my friends for much longer) and I just can’t wait to read this already! I know for sure that I am in the mood to read this. Hell, I’ve been in the mood to read Six of Crows ever since it came out! I’m so, so, sooooo excited!


The Bone Season

The next book I plan to read is The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. I’ve had this book for a while and she recently came out with new covers that are absolutely beautiful! They’ve had a sample of the first chapter up for request on Netgalley and my overeager I’m-a-newbie-and-need-to-request-EVERYTHING self decided to request it. Huh???? Why did I request it? I literally own the book. I’ve had it for months. Like, what? Where’s the logic? But I guess that gives me a good excuse to finally start reading the series! 😀



If you’ve read my March TBR post you might remember that I mentioned putting one classic a month on my TBR list because I own so many and barely read any of them. For this month I wanted to choose something short because Emma has just been a pain to get through (even if I loved it!). I decided to go with Persuasion by Jane Austen. The novel is super thin and I hope I can breeze through it quickly!

No, this is not the end of the post! 😛

The next thing I’ll be talking about is A Very Arc-ish Readathon! It is hosted by Aimal over at Bookshelves and Paperbacks. Check out her post to see how you can participate!


Basically, the idea is to tackle the ARCs on your TBR! This is a pretty chill readathon, there are no challenges and everyone picks their own goals!

I have a lot of Netgalley ARCs waiting to be reviewed and since I’m back at university just after Easter and life will get a lot busier, I am going to try to get through most of my ARCs in April! (At least the ones that were released in March and the ones for April!) BUT I won’t pressure myself and just read whatever I’m in the mood for! I am also hoping to get to that precious 80% ratio, fingers crossed!

I won’t make a TBR for the ARCs because there’s so many and I’ll just pick whatever I’m in the mood for at the moment!

Thanks so much for reading!

Jackie x

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? And do you have a monthly TBR list or are you a mood reader like me and just don’t bother? What about those ARCs, which ones do you plan on reading this month? Let’s chat!

14 thoughts on “April TBR + A Very ARC-ish Readathon

      Oh I know what you mean! That’s why I do these little TBRs, it helps me remember which books I’ve been wanting to read! Even if I don’t really follow them and just grab whatever I feel like reading in the moment so this TBR doesn’t really make a lot of sense 😀 But WHATEVER *shrugs*


  1. IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO READ SIX OF CROWS!!! AND THE BONE SEASON!!!!! OMG wow I can’t wait to discuss this is amazing! Also, major props for reading a classic every month you are my inspiration I need to do this too!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good luck, Jackie! Chill challenges are always great 🙂
    I hope you get to read everything you want but keep in mind that it’s okay if you don’t. Reading is supposed to be fun, not stressful ^^
    I think it’s awesome that you want to read a classic a month. Definitely a great way to expand our bookish tastes. Too bad Emma was such a hassle to read! Hopefully Persuasion will be better 🙂
    Awesome post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Sophie!! ❤
      sometimes I seem to forget that reading isn't supposed to be a burden or make me feel stressed out so I'll really to remember to only read if I'm really in the mood for it and not force myself! I'm excited for Persuasion, I'll keep my fingers crossed 😉 thanks again, I always love reading your comments 🙂 ❤


      1. Yeah I know, we book bloggers have that problem hahaha
        I always need to remind myself of that too. It’s a never-ending struggle!
        But the important thing is that we acknowledge that, help each other out and support one other 😉
        Thank you, Jackie ❤ Always a pleasure to read your posts and comment on them!

        Liked by 1 person

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