February Recap // A successful reading month, actual (!) update on my WRITING, first ever physical ARC and RESTORE ME RELEASE!!!

Do you ever get that wholesome feeling after finishing a Wrap Up post when you realise how successful your month has been?

Because that’s how I’m feeling right now.

I feel so at ease because not only did I manage to read amazing books this month, but I also took care of my mental health and did a lot of things I enjoy but have neglected over the last few months (eg. WRITING!!!) and it feels so GOOD.

And as you can tell by the title of this post, I have some very exciting things to share with you guys!!!! Ahhh!!!

Thanks for being awesome @ February.

Continue reading “February Recap // A successful reading month, actual (!) update on my WRITING, first ever physical ARC and RESTORE ME RELEASE!!!”

Batman Nightwalker by Marie Lu // mysterious gang members, lovable characters but not enough action

Do you know what it feels like to have your life together?

Usually, I don’t either but ohmygod guys I’ve been so ORGANISED lately!

I scheduled/drafted most of my blog posts for March, I’m slowly but surely making my way through my study notes AND I’m reading all most of my ARCs before their release date!

And… if you hadn’t realised, I’m back before my supposed return from my hiatus!!!!!

I said I’d be back on March 6th, but I’ve scheduled posts for the next 2 weeks and this review didn’t fit anywhere inbetween those posts dgjhdfj so here it is!

The day that this goes is up is when Zoe’s 24h Readathon is taking place so I’m probably in the middle of reading my 6th book of the day rn. Jk. I’ll be fully back on Tuesday (AKA RESTORE ME RELEASE DAY) tho!


I’m celebrating my 1-year blogiversary with a Q&A so you can ask me any and all questions here. (pls don’t let this flop)

Continue reading “Batman Nightwalker by Marie Lu // mysterious gang members, lovable characters but not enough action”

2018 Goals // Keep Up with my TBR, Work on my WIP, Self-Care (!!!) and tracking my Habits

Have you ever set yourself New Year’s Resolutions and abandonded them two weeks into the new year?

Yeah. I think we can all relate.

I planned to do a 2018 goals post at the very beginning of the year so I could easily go back to it and hold myself accountable for actually keeping up with them.

As you can probably tell, I already failed that task.

I planned to abandon this post altogether because it seemed pretty pointless to post it when we’re already two months into the year. However, it is NEVER too late to set yourself some goals for the year so here I am.

you may have seen Swetlana’s post from last week about her 2018 reading goals which PROVES that it’s not too late!

Let’s hope I’ll actually stick to these goals instead of abandoning them like I do every year.

Continue reading “2018 Goals // Keep Up with my TBR, Work on my WIP, Self-Care (!!!) and tracking my Habits”

January Recap // my life is One Big Mess, it’s #20GayTeen and I’m back from my hiatus I think?? (also RESTORE ME!!!)

Hey what’s up, it’s been a while! [whenever I say this I’ve got Zayn’s song in my head but I don’t think anyone here gets the reference]

Well, as the title of this post suggests, I am back from the dead (again).

I was literally so motivated to start posting again when I wrote my December Recap, but then life happened and hit me in the face like a brick, and I wasn’t READY to have all these responsibilities thrown at me out of NOWhERe.

me trying to dodge school work, exams, blogging, writing, nervous breakdowns, panic, stress, anxiety and anything else that was trying to get my attention in January

My recap ended up being the only post I wrote in January dkhgdk I’M SORRY.

I’m not one to constantly abandon my blog, go on random unannounced hiatuses and post inconsistently, but it has been happening a lot lately AND I HATE IT.

I desperately hope think that I finally regained my blogging mojo though and I’m excited to see what February brings I MEAN IT’S THE MONTH OF LOVE AFTER ALL *yuck*

For now, please enjoy reading about my 5 nervous breakdowns :)))))

Continue reading “January Recap // my life is One Big Mess, it’s #20GayTeen and I’m back from my hiatus I think?? (also RESTORE ME!!!)”

December Recap // Christmas celebrations, fangirl mania and SO MANY BOOKS!

I know we’re already in the middle of January, but December was too good of a month for me.

It was Christmas and I got the best presents from family (BOOKS), friends (BOOKS) and myself (BOOKS). And yes, buying yourself Christmas presents is a thing because you can never have enough books.

December was also my best reading month of the year??? And I just barely* reached my unofficial goal of reading 100 books in 2017??? PHEW.

And what kind of fangirl would I be if I didn’t find a ton of new things to obsess about this month.

Bi the way!!! Don’t forget to enter my *INTERNATIONAL* giveaway which ends next week ahhhh!

*I literally read two comics books 30 minutes before 2018 began!

Continue reading “December Recap // Christmas celebrations, fangirl mania and SO MANY BOOKS!”

2017 Wrap Up // Best and Worst + Most Suprising and Disappointing Books of 2017 and everything in between!

Well, well, well. Guess who’s back from the dead her unannounced hiatus.

IT’S YA GIRL JACKIE (in case you forgot my name lmao) aka the one who takes a month to reply to comments and almost never blog hops anymore because she’s trash life gets in the way. But what’s new *shrugs*

I actually planned to go on a 2-week long hiatus between Christmas and now, and I planned to have at least two more posts up before I did that and actually announce the hiatus but….. you know….


But I’m back now (at least for a week or two?) before I go on another hiatus because I’ll be in study hell I mean– okay no I really mean STUDY HELL.

Before I do that though, I wanted to take a look at the year 2017. I honestly can’t believe how FAST it went by—I swear, this was one of the quickest years EVER and while I have accomplished and done some incredible things, I still feel that overall it was pretty meh and I could have done MORE.

However, my 2017 from a bookish perspective was fantastic and it was THE BEST reading year I’ve had so far???? I’m SOOOO excited to go through my Goodreads shelves and see which books I loved and hated most this year AHHHH.

Continue reading “2017 Wrap Up // Best and Worst + Most Suprising and Disappointing Books of 2017 and everything in between!”

Debut Authors Bash // Introducing American Street by Ibi Zoboi: a book about family and Haitian culture!!

Guess what? I get to host ANOTHER stop at the Debut Authors Bash 2017—and this time it’s Ibi Zoboi!!!

Unfortunately, she was unable to do an author interview with me, but I’m still going to be talking about her book American Street which came out earlier this year!

The Debut Authors Bash is happening all month throughout December and there are PLENTY of this year’s debut authors featured on several blogs! SO GET EXCITED!


Feel free to check out the rest of the tour here because it takes place all month and there’s A TON of incredible authors on there (Amanda Foody, Nic Stone and MORE).

Continue reading “Debut Authors Bash // Introducing American Street by Ibi Zoboi: a book about family and Haitian culture!!”

Debut Authors Bash // An Interview with the lovely Maggie Ann Martin + an INTERNATIONAL Giveaway!!!

Oh hello, let me just squeal for a bit because I’m doing an author interview!

This is only my second author interview EVER but I’m really excited that I got paired up with Maggie Ann Martin!

Her debut novel The Big F came out in August and I read and reviewed it too! It was a super cute and important read and perfect for the summer—but you can also read it this WINTER if you want, duh!

I am part of the HUGE GIGANTIC MASSIVE DEBUT AUTHORS BASH in which all debut authors of 2017 get to have the chance to be featured on someone’s blog!


Feel free to check out the rest of the tour here because it takes place all month and there’s A TON of incredible authors on there!

Now, let’s see what the lovely Maggie has to say! Continue reading “Debut Authors Bash // An Interview with the lovely Maggie Ann Martin + an INTERNATIONAL Giveaway!!!”

November Recap // not much reading, even less writing and a huge existential crisis + MY FAV AUTHOR TWEETED ME???

What is reading??? What is writing??? What is blogging??? What is life???

What. Even. Was. November.

I don’t think I’ve ever had such a bad reading month. In the first 3 weeks of November, I didn’t even pick up a single book for myself aka I only forced myself through the four tragic/average/trashy/boring books I had to read for uni.

My poor bookshelves were wailing for my attention, begging me to PLEASE JUST PICK OUT A SINGLE BOOK TO READ WE MISS YOU

But my brain was like NUH-UH you’re doing NaNo, you have to focus on WRITING.

Well, guess who didn’t do any writing either?????? Me.

can i take a nap for the next two months pls


I don’t want to make my intro too depressing, but be prepared for an enourmous existentital crisis including lots of crying, exhaustion, flailing of arms and MAYBE a handful of good things that happened to me.


Continue reading “November Recap // not much reading, even less writing and a huge existential crisis + MY FAV AUTHOR TWEETED ME???”

4 Reasons why The November Girl should be on your To-Read List // magical realism, romance and quirky characters

After being in kind of a reading/writing/general life slump this month, I was SO stoked that the first book I picked up at the end of November after I got over my struggles had been a great read for me.

Me at the beginning of the month: not in the mood to read ANYTHING, forcing myself through the 3 kinda shitty books I had to read for uni

Me at the end of the month: 4 STARS! 5 STARS! ALL THE STARS! I LOVE READING!

The first book I read this month that WASN’T average or complete garbage (I literally just typed bargage wow) was The November Girl. YASSSSSS.

It’s a book I’ve been really excited for because one of my trusted book reviewers had given it a high rating so I had high hopes! AND THANKFULLY I WASN’T LET DOWN.

Also, I am part of the The November Girl blog tour so I hope you enjoy my stop and make sure to follow the rest of the tour here.

Continue reading “4 Reasons why The November Girl should be on your To-Read List // magical realism, romance and quirky characters”